Discover our widerange RF-power amplifiers from 0.5 GHz to 40 GHz

Measuring Systems for Conducted and Radiated emission testing

The GTEM-cell is a TEM waveguide with the upper frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is a low-cost alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements.

Conducted RF Immunity Test Systems
acc. to IEC/EN 61000-4-6, NAMUR
BCI testing acc. to ISO 11452-4, MIL-STD 461, CS 114 D0-160 (conducted susceptibility)

Discover our broad range of RF-power amplifiers, especially tailored for RF immunity testing from
9 kHz to 6 (18) GHz

Ultra-broadband antennas, Double-Stacked Log.-Periodic antennas, Horn-antennas for emission and immunity testing

Magnetic-Field / Low-Frequency Test System & Equipment
acc. to automotive and military standards

Immunity test to
conducted, common mode disturbances acc. to IEC/EN 61000-4-16
conducted differential mode disturbances acc. to IEC/EN61000-4-19