1987 … the start of a success story
Originally, the company Frankonia has been established for the production and trading with chemical and electrochemical products for different industries. From the beginning and under the guidance of Wolfgang Opitz, an own laboratory and the intensive research has been an inherent part of Frankonia. In an early stage, the product range quickly expanded for EMP protected rooms and bunkers, which is the fundamental standard of today’s electromagnetic shielding for anechoic chambers and shielded rooms.

In the late early, Prof. Nimtz from the University of Cologne with his research on alternative surfaces with absorbent characteristics gave the initial idea to develop the unique Frankosorb® absorber technology. Having a special developed test facility in Heideck to research for more than one year, Prof. Nimtz and Prof. Enders (Institute for EMC at TU Braunschweig) made it possible to develop the first generation of Frankonia’s Frankosorb® pyramid absorbers. The cooperation of industry with science successfully realized an industrial manufacturing of non-combustible absorbers using the unique nano-thinfilm technology.
At that time, a completely new absorber technology has been brought to the market that offers still today outstanding and unique attributes.
Normative changes for the verification of EMC laboratories in the mid-nineties led to considerable advantages that overall benefited Frankonia’s resources in manufacturing, the performance of Frankosorb® absorbers, and the special non-combustible characteristic. Thus, Frankonia’s research and development on absorbers has essentially contributed to the success of the company.
To expand the manufacturing capacities, the Frankonia Poland Sp. z o.o. located in Dzierżoniów (Poland) has been established in 1990. In addition to the anechoic chamber business, Frankonia expanded in 1992 its product portfolio with EMC test systems and is today shareholder of the Frankonia EMC Test-Systems GmbH located in Forchheim (Germany). With the growing market share in Asia in the late nineties and to increase manufacturing capacities, Frankonia established in 2003 the Jiashan Frankonia EMC Co., Ltd. located in Jiashan near Shanghai (China).
Today, the Frankonia Group engineers and manufactures approximately 95% of all components and products in a modular and prefabricated construction technique using its own manufacturing capabilities. Herewith, Frankonia guarantees consistent quality, maximum flexibility paired with a continuous adaptation to the current state-of-the-art of science and technology.
The future of Frankonia in the complex electromagnetic world of EMC test laboratories focuses on the optimization and easier usability of individual products as well as complete solutions. The research and development of existing materials in the own laboratory remains intense part of Frankonia. Furthermore, specific requirements of our customers for their individual electromagnetic measurements, as well as latest and future technologies, for instance, the electrification of vehicles or IoT, require a safe and compliant implementation. So, the adaptation of products, test systems, and complete laboratories to multidisciplinary requirements is a welcome challenge. With our professional team, we gladly look forward to that.

Frankonia contributes its success to quality and technology along the classification of ‘Made in Germany’, paired with a continuously research and development. Over the past decades, Frankonia’s ambitions to provide customized solutions, some milestones are worth mentioning: