A brand new SAC-3 Plus chamber joined already beginning of 2020 one of our oldest laboratories in Germany.

Since quite a while, Frankonia provided a brand new SAC-3 chamber to EMC Test NRW GmbH in Dortmund, Germany, that extends their test capacities for smaller product sizes, wireless applications, as well as automotive components and is thus treated as an all-rounder test lab. EMC Test NRW GmbH is since decades a trusted customer and partner to Frankonia that owns one of the oldest 10m SAC chambers here in Germany, which is still today long-term proven and stable using our first generation of Frankosorb absorbers.

Our SAC-3 Plus dome shape chamber design as a highly efficient chamber at a low cost, has been brought to many industries and to all possible regions. More than 70 times implemented, the performance values and the broad usability names this chamber as the industry standard for a 3m test distance.

More details on request: sales@frankoniagroup.com