Although the „ERC-6“ is the less expensive little brother of our flagship „ERX-6“, it is more than worth to have an intensive look on it.
With the ERC-6 only properties, that are not required for full-compliance EMI measurements according to CSPR 16-1, have been reduced or omitted.
The ERC-6 is therefore a good alternative to the „high-end-devices“ for many users, such as in-house developing departments.
The Receiver can either be operated via the integrated touch-PC with 10“ monitor or by external software.
The external software enables fully automated measurements including automatic control of antenna mast and turntable.
Also the fast, FFT-based (time domain) measuring mode is already included in the ERC-6.


Technical specifications 9 kHz to 30 MHz Input
30 MHz to 6 GHz Input
Frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz 30 MHz to 6 GHz
Resolution 0.1 Hz 100 Hz
Reference frequency < 1 ppm < 2 ppm
RF input Zin 50 Ohm, BNC fem. Zin 50 Ohm, N fem.
VSWR 10 dB RF att. < 1.2 < 1.2 ; < 2 above 1 GHz
VSWR 10 dB RF att. < 1.6 <2 ; < 3 above 3 GHz
Attenuator 0dB to 35 dB (5 dB steps) 0 dB to 55 dB (5dB steps)
Pulse limiter Built-in (selectable) n.a.
Preamplifier gain 20 dB (selectable) 20 dB, 15 dB above 1 GHz
Max. input level
(without equipment damage)
Sinewave AC voltage Pulse 137 dBμV (1 W) (Min att  10 dB)
spectral density 97 dBμV / MHz (Min att  10 dB, preselector ON)
Frequency ranges

six bandpass filters

9 kHz to 150 kHz
150 kHz to 5.67 MHz
5.67 MHz to 11.19 MHz
11.19 MHz to 16.71 MHz
16.71 MHz to 22.23 MHz
22.23 MHz to 30 MHz

four tracking filters and two bandpass filters
30 MHz to 72 MHz
72 MHz to 173 MHz
173 MHz to 416 MHz
416 Mhz to 1 GHz
1 GHz to 3 GHz
3 GHz to 6 GHz
IF bandwidth 1, 3 , 10, 30, 100, 300 kHz (6 dB)
200 Hz and 9 kHz (CISPR 16-1-1
10, 100 Hz – 1, 10 kHz
(MIL STD-461) (option)
3, 10, 30, 100, 300 kHz (6 dB)
120 kHz (CISPR 16-1-1)
1 MHz (CISPR 16-1-1)
Detecors Peak, Quasi-peak, Average, RMS, CISPR-Average, (RMS-average option)
Noise level
(Preselector ON) 9 to 150 kHz < -14 dBuV (AV)
(200 Hz BW)
30 to 300 MHz < 7 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
(Preamplifier OFF)
(Hold time 1000 ms)
0.15 to 30 MHz < 0 dBuV (AV)
(9 kHz BW)
300 to 1000 MHz < 10 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
1000 to 4000 MHz < 13 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
4000 to 6000 MHz < 18 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
(Preselector ON)
(Preamplifier ON)
(Hold time 1000 ms)
9 to 150 kHz < -24 dBuV (QP)
(200 Hz BW)
0.15 to 30 MHz < -10 dBuV (AV)
(9 kHz BW)
30 to 300 MHz < -8 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
300 to 1000 MHz < -5 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
1000 to 4000 MHz < -1 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
4000 to 6000 MHz < +3 dBuV (AV)
(120 kHz BW)
Scan time
(Fill CISPR: preselector ON,
QP detector)

A band (9 to 150 kHz) < 8s (hold time 1 s) 200 Hz RBW

B band (150 kHz to 30 MHz) < 20 s (hold time 1 s)
9 kHz RBW

C+D band (30 MHz to 1 GHz) < 2.2s  (H.T. lowest)
120 kHz RBW (Smart detector function available) < 76s (H.T. 100ms)
< 746s (H.T. 1s)E band (1 to 6 GHz) < 6.7 s (H.T. lowest)
1MHz RBW (Smart detector function available) < 800s (H.T. 100ms)
(preselector OFF,
Peak detector)
A band (9 to 150 kHz) < 0.5s (hold time lowest)
200 Hz RBWB band (150 kHz to 30 MHz)
9 kHz RBW < 1 s (hold time lowest)
C+D band (30 MHz to 1 GHz)
120 kHz RBW < 1.1 s (H.T. Lowest)
1 MHz RBW < 0.7 s (H.T. Lowest)E band (1 to 6 GHz) < 5.7 s (H.T. Lowest)
Spurious respsonse
(Preselector ON / Preamp OFF)
(AVG Ht 1 s) (RBW 10 kHz prescan Ht lowest, then AVG 1s on the 10 worst peaks)
< -10 dBuV, < 0 dBuV above 150 kHz < 6 dBuV, < 15 dBuV above 2 GHz
Measurement accuracy
S/N > 20 dB
± 0.0 dB 30 to 1000 MHz ± 1.0 dB
1 to 3 GHz ± 1.5 dB
3 to 6 GHz ± 2.0 dB
Demodulation AM and FM (through internal speaker and 3.5mm earphones jack)
I/O Interface USB; RS-232; User port for accessories
Operating temperature 0° C to 40° C
Power supply 100 to 240 Vac – 50/60 Hz – 25 W
Dimensions Standard EIA Rack unit (2RU) – 482mm (10“ w) x 95mm (3.7“ h) x 485mm (19.1“ d)
Weight 7 kg